Latest News

UFRC Secures SportNI Funding

UFRC Secures SportNI Funding

We’re thrilled to share that we’ve received £53,610 of Sport NI funding for our walking/hiking/rambling initiatives! A huge shoutout to everyone who...

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Join a Welcome Walk in March!

Join a Welcome Walk in March!

Are you someone who walks a lot or would like to walk more? Would you prefer to have some company and guidance when out in the hills? A UFRC Welcome...

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Sign Up and WIN!

Sign Up and WIN!

SIGN UP AND WIN! We are giving away two amazing prizes courtesy of The Briers Country House in Newcastle. Sign up to our newsletter and you will be...

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2023 Autumn Gathering & AGM

2023 Autumn Gathering & AGM

Register Now! The next UFRC AGM and Autumn Gathering will be held on Saturday the 21st of October. The event will be at the Glenavon Hotel in...

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