UFRC invite club members from across the North of Ireland to attend the upcoming ‘Extraordinary General and Spring Meeting’ on Saturday 4th March 2023 in Lough Neagh Discovery Centre.
The UFRC Chairman and Committee would like to personally invite all club members to the upcoming Spring Meeting to be held at the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, Oxford Island on Saturday 4th March 2023. The Spring Meeting will begin with an Extraordinary General Meeting to expedite the proposal of a new and updated constitution. The Spring Meeting provides an opportunity to update members on some key developments affecting UFRC and hear from guest speakers from Ramblers GB and Outdoor Recreation NI.
Registration is essential: https://forms.office.com/e/Zn7WpEBTvy.
If you have questions on any of the above please email admin@ulsterrambling.com
9.45am Arrival and registration
10.00am Tea/coffee and scones
10.20am Welcome and Introduction to the Extraordinary General Meeting – Bert Rima – Chair UFRC
Proposed changes to UFRC Constitution – Bert Rima
The UFRC Committee is proposing to update the Constitution to modernise and bring it into line with current practice. The proposition is to start the upcoming Spring Meeting with an extraordinary general meeting of the Federation to expedite this.
Spring Meeting programme
10.50am Committee Update
- Training – William Mitchell
- Insurance – James McKeown
- Website development – Terry Parker
- AdventureSmart – Bert Rima
11.10am Comfort Break
11.20am Greenspace Mapping Project
Presentation by: Elizabeth Annett and Emma Taylor– Outdoor Recreation NI
11.50am An Insight into Ramblers GB
Presentation by: Heather Clatworthy – Paths Manager, Ramblers GB
12.30pm Open Forum
1.00pm Lunch
1.45pm Optional Walk around Oxford Island led by Declan Moane of Armagh Ramblers, or Depart