Down Danderers Rambling Club
Location: County Down
Club Details
- Club Contact: Sinead Thompson
- Email:
The Down Danderers Rambling Club, founded in 1989, is based in Ballynahinch, though members live in various parts of the County.
Our large membership means that we have a huge reservoir of knowledge about walks in Co Down. Walks include a variety of terrains – lanes, forest parks, coastal paths and small roads with occasional forays into the lower mountains.
Monday walks take place throughout the year on the second and fourth Mondays of each month; these are around five miles long and participants are mainly retired.
Tuesday evening walks take place during the months April till the end of August and vary in length from three to five miles, the shorter walks being arranged when there is less daylight at the beginning and end of the season. These evening walks attract large numbers.
Saturday walks are held throughout the year on the first and third Saturdays of each month; these vary between six and eight miles and generally attract smaller numbers.
Club social events include:
- an annual outing in June
- a dinner in October
- two BBQs – one in May and one in August.
- two residential trips away one in May and one in early September
Prospective members may attend one or two walks before applying to join. The annual membership fee, payable in April or at the time of joining will £15 from April 2023.